Sunday, December 20, 2015

Thankful for these littles

As I put this little one to bed tonight, I had to take a picture and try to freeze his sweet smile and face in my mind before he gets bigger because I know all too well now how fast time passes with these babies.

Every night he has his bottle, we cuddle, he burps, and lays down with his monkey binky and whale lovey, while in his Zipadee Zip and he drifts off to sleep. I love putting this precious boy to sleep. He melts my heart just about every day with his snuggles and the way he looks at me with those big blue eyes and flawless baby-soft skin.

If he would be on his belly more than 2 minutes without completely loosing it, he'd probably be crawling by now.....but despite that, I think he will very soon. The guy wants to be a part of all of the fun with his sister really bad. He is constantly lunging forward from sitting up to try and play with her, it is pretty funny. 

A couple weeks ago I started giving him soft solids like avocado, sweet potato, steamed carrots, black beans, etc and he LOVES it all. He pretty much refuses baby food now and wants whatever we're eating;  which surprisingly he's been okay eating! He has 3 bottom teeth and his top front left one is popping through, too. At this age Copelynn was still a week or so away from her 1st tooth.

His sister is still the one who makes him laugh the hardest. He lovvvvvves sitting in his exersaucer and watching her run around and play. I'm looking forward to when he can run around with her, it's going to be adorable and hilarious. 

And then there's this girl...

Someone described their child to me the other day as one who aims to please...not in a bad way, just in a way that their personality happened to be this please their mom and look for that approval, most of the time. I laughed out loud because if I could say one thing about our baby girl it is that she is in no way a pleaser. At 2.5 that can be very challenging, BUT I really admire that trait in her and remind myself to help her develop that for her GOOD because I pray everyday that she will be someone who aims to please God and not man. I guess be careful what you pray for ;)

Nevertheless, she is full of life and love every day that those two little feet march downstairs to have "milkies" and watch cartoons in the morning.  She's brave, oddly coordinated for her age, super adventurous, doesn't mind getting dirty, and she'll try just about anything. The other day I walked into the living room and she was standing on top of her play kitchen using actual water to wash her play food. I just laughed and didn't even stop it because she was having so much fun. 

She's done a lot this year; became a big sister, potty-trained, moved to a big girl bed....and has grown into those new things well. 

Sometimes the days are long and the nights are too (when babies are teething and toddlers are scared of the dark, had a bad dream, or have to pee) BUT none of the tiring of frustrating moments even come close to the JOY it is to be these two little ones' mommy.  

As I kissed them both goodnight tonight, I held back tears because I am so proud of who they are and feel absolutely privileged. First off, privileged that God chose and trusted ME to raise these kids. There's a holy, sacred weight to that that is sobering and also spurs me on to be the best I can possibly be in Jesus so I can do my best with the precious little one's he's given us. And secondly, that I get to be the one to watch their milestones, to kiss their boo-boos, to cuddle them, to see the wonder in their eyes during Christmas, to teach them who Jesus is, AND I get to do it all with an amazing best friend, team mate, and love of my life who is the world's best dad to these babies.

Now I'll go play that Sara Evan's song could not ask for more and cry thankful tears.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Wow. My heart overflows with joy, tears, pride and love for who you and Zach are with each other and for your precious children. I am so happy and grateful for you all!! ♥♥♥