Monday, December 31, 2012

Week 22

This is my "I'm sick" belly picture. Thought I'd spare you all from the nice no hair no makeup get up. 

It feels like Copelynn is doing a dance in my belly these days. She is active usually in the morning and later in the evening.  It was so sweet on Christmas night, Zach felt her kick for the first time! His face was priceless. Ann and my dad also felt her that night! 

It was so fun to share my bump with my fam, I can't wait to bring her to CA once she arrives and have everyone meet her. It just gets sweeter all the time. 

-At 22 weeks she is 10.5-11.5 inches long
-She sleeps 12-14 hours a day
-She's yawning and swallowing amniotic fluid and peeing it out. Way to go baby
-My latest obsession is sugary cereal. Love me some lucky charms before bed :)

I'm feeling really good these days!  The yucky 1st trimester stuff is long gone and I'm not uncomfortably big.  I wasn't sure what people were talking about when they said they loved being pregnant, but now I get it. I'm loving being pregnant right now!  It's more and more fun as the weeks go on and she gets bigger and closer to entering the world.  

21 weeks 

I for sure cannot sleep on my belly anymore, thankfully sleeping on my side hasn't been too big of a deal like I thought it would. When you have no option, you just do it!  If I eat too close to going to bed, I have bad indigestion and burps. Due to less and less space every single day, I can only eat a little at a time and its hard to breath sometimes! Copelynn's taking over my lung space!

My mind's been pretty preoccupied with allllll the changes that'll be coming out way in 4 short months when baby girl arrives. The baby shower really made me think about it all. My growing belly and the crib and carseat and stroller in our spare room make it hard to forget life is about to get crazy! 

One thing I am soooooooo excited about is staying home with Copelynn.   It was a no brainer as soon as we found out we were pregnant.

I am super stoked for this to happen and cannot wait to stay at home with her and the rest of our babies.  I'm really looking forward to the "career" change I guess you can call it.  Besides being a wife to my amazing husband I can't think of something that'd bring me more joy than staying home with my babies. 

21 weeks 4 days 

Obviously this brings many financial changes, I mean we're cutting our income in half. But, God has always provided for us and I know he won't stop now!  I'm not worried about it, I know the Lord's the one who's paved the way for this to happen and he'll always come through for us. 

We might have 1 car for longer than we'd like, and it might take us longer to save to buy a house, and we'll eat out less and have less Starbucks, we'll cancel our cable and get slower internet.  But, all of that is more than worth it.

Cheers to our growing family and all that 2013 has in store for us! Happy New Year Everyone! 


Brooke said...

This is so sweet to read. What a blessed mommy you will be staying home. I love it. You are looking great too happy new year! Love seeing your updates:)

Aimee said...

Thanks Brooke!! How was the change for you from working outside your house to staying home?

Stephanie Dumm said...

It is totally worth cutting your income in half and making the sacrifices that come along with it!! I was two weeks away from going back to work when we decided I would stay home, and I seriously cried every day thinking about going back. So glad you get to do that. It was definitely a transition, but what's helped me is making sure I leave the house most days of the week to go meet up with a friend or pick up library books/baby essentials.
And I totally hear you on having no room to eat. That hit me around 15 weeks, lol.

Aimee said...

aw man that's awesome that you're staying home Steph! I am excited to, too :)