Wednesday, December 19, 2012

It's a Girl!

Monday we had our 20 week ultrasound and found out that we're having a....


We both had butterflies in our stomachs towards the 2nd half of the day at work. It was painful to wait all day for our appointment! I haven't felt that kind of anxiousness since I walked down the aisle! Zach said he was nervous and terrified. I asked why and he reminded me that there's no baby in his belly and it's way different for him...less real right now....and going to this ultrasound and seeing our baby and finding out the gender makes it VERY real! 

I had never really thought about how different pregnancy is for him vs me.  He doesn't have to buy new clothes to fit a growing belly into, or rub lotion all over a growing belly, he doesn't feel the kicks or movements (yet), or feel all the physical/emotional changes....weird! 

So, we got to the place and laid down on the bed for the fun to begin. Little miss took quite awhile to reveal that she was a girl...they had me on my back, on my right side, on the left side, on my head (almost...the bed tilts backwards) and finally about 45 minutes into it she showed herself! It was a crazy moment. The technician showed us that there were no boy parts and I was shocked! "WOAH! Really!? a girl!? like 100 % sure? Do you want to check again?"

I've been convinced that it was a boy from the very beginning, so I was super surprised!  Zach was ecstatic and now wants guns for Christmas. My brother text and said he'd tell us what to buy. hahah.

We cannot wait to meet miss Copelynn Victoria.  We feel so blessed and so so excited.  20 weeks down, 20 weeks to go!

Here's a video we put together to make the annoucement.

And here are sweet Copelynn's 20 week ultrasound pictures!

 Look at that foot!

 This one of her hand is my favorite

 The only time in her life it's okay to not be modest


Unknown said...

what a sweet baby girl. She's just saying hi to all of us out here! Can't wait to see her beautiful face! Love her already!! Love you guys!

Stacy Ann Martin said...

What a beautiful blessing! I cannot WAIT to meet the little miss! <3

Aimee said...

Thank you girls!!

Little Bug said...

I'm so happy for you and Zach! Enjoy each and every minute of her, because they grow up waaay too fast!

Katie Cook said...

Congrats Aimee! exciting. I love the name, seriously so creative and cute!!!! SOOOO happy for you! love katie

Unknown said...

All i know is i cannot wait to meet my granddaughter!!!... overfilled with joy!!!

Mary said...

Your post brings tears, joy, and laughter! God bless you both as you prepare to be parents to this precious child.

Aimee said...

Aunt Shelley, we sure will!

Thanks Katie!

Rick, can't wait for you to meet her too!

thanks Mama!