Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Dear Young Person Getting Married...

Dear young christian person getting married (or any other person not having premarital sex):

Today's world concerns me when it comes to weddings, marriages, and the life of two people making a HUGE committment to eachother.  I got married almost 2 years ago and as I turned from single young lady to a married young lady, I began to have a firey passion to see marriages succeed and be healthy. I think about it all the time; when I see people in the grocery store, at the gym, at church pretending to have it all together...my mind races wondering who they are, how they got to where they are, what they could be, the potential that lies within them...I just want people to have healthy, lasting marriages.

What concerns me is the time and energy spent fantasizing, dreaming, obsessing, and planning the wedding DAY and the lack of time spent investing in the relationship of the people getting married.

Okay, I LOVED planning our wedding. And we spent many days obssessing over every detail...and you should too!

What I'm trying to say is; are you spending the same amount of time (if not more!) obssessing over, talking about, focusing on your heart, your future spouse's heart, and the health and status of your relationship/communication/committment/attitudes with eachother?

The wedding day will come and go, but what you invest or don't invest in your relationship will show.

It you're not having sex before you're married, it's probably the biggest thing you think about when you think about getitng married! That's just about all that was on my mind after we left our wedding reception! But, marriage doesn't just consist of being at home having sex everyday all day. In fact, the sexual things that you've been told no no no to all this time, are awesome and spectacular, but are only a small part of marriage. 

Your honeymoon will be a blast. You'll get it on and love it! But you will also go back to work and go back to reality and have to learn how to operate and function together in real life. You have to learn how to prefer your spouse over yourself. You have to learn to pick your battles. You have to learn how to communicate. You have to learn to be intentional about doing special things for your spouse. You have to learn how to compromise. You have to learn how to tell your spouse that they hurt your feelings and be willing to forgive. You have to lay your pride down and say you were wrong.

So, invest in your relationship. If you don't know how to, you can see some things we did here here and here . But it's not about what we did. It's about what you're doing.

Go read a book about marriage, ask lots of questions, invest in eachother and not just your wedding day. Invest in your time with the Lord, not just your wedding plans. Get off pinterest and pray for your spouse and pray for your marriage.  You'll be glad you did because like I said before, the wedding day will come and go, but what you invest or don't invest in your relationship will show.


Baylee said...

I really like this.
I think it is so important to realize the wedding day is just a day. (An amazing one, an important one) but I think it can become a distraction to the real life that is waiting outside the day. Well said.

Aimee said...

Thanks Baylee! Agreed :)

Tracy Evelyn said...

I agree completely! That was part of the reason we had such a short engagement, we didn't want to be tangled up in thoughts of the wedding day and forget what it was all for! So glad you put this out there!

Aimee said...

Thanks Tracy! Zach and I's engagement was short too...3 months was enough for us!

Katie Cook said...

AMEN sister! This is SUCH A great post! thanks for sharing:)