Saturday, September 15, 2012

7 weeks

We had our 1st ultrasound this past week! We got to find out how far along I was and see that sweet little baby for the 1st time. Seeing that little life and his/her heartbeat was one of the sweetest moments of my life! Things became A LOT more real that afternoon!

Baby's heartbeat is 124/beats a minute. My mom and brother have both informed me that typically in the womb if the heartbeat is 130 or below its a girl and if its 130 or above its a boy.  Has anyone found that to be true???

Pregnancy at 7 weeks thus far:

extremely exhausted...alllllllll the time. Have to take naps on a consist basis just to function as a human being
breaking out! Thanks hormones
still no longer able to stomach coffee (decaf folks)
A little bit of nausea at times, but no puking thank the Lord. 

Me and our little seahorse! 


Brooke said...

So excited for you friend!!!

Aimee said...

THanks Brooke!