Monday, September 17, 2012

The need to rest and do less life - alone time!

One of Zach's longtime friends from Ohio visited this weekend so it was BOY TIME around our town.  This left me with some good quality time alone while the boys hung out together. I'm a people person and would never choose to be alone for long periods of time. But, as Sunday rolled around and I basically had the entire day to myself I decided to not call any friends or make any plans and just hang out with me myself and I. And I realized that I am never alone! In the shower [ sometimes ;) ], in the bathroom, on a jog....and thats about it folks. Alone time is necessary, alone time is good. And Sunday was just that - a fantastic day of embracing the need to rest and do less life of a 1st trimester prego lady.  

Did some shoppin' with the mula I got for selling an old dresser on Craigslist, SCORE!
Did some sun soakin' up and coffee drinkin' at Starbucks.
Did some movie watchin'
And I even left the dirty dishes in the sink to sit there one more day.


By the way, I watched The Iron Lady...and it was terrible! SO disappointing. It was hardly even a story and was mostly just about a dark senial old woman's life.  I'd be a terrible friend to let you waste an hour and 45 minutes of your life like I did, so here's your warning: don't watch The Iron Lady.  


Unknown said...

So glad you said Iron Lady was bad. I have been wanting to see it because it looked good...but then again what movie doesn't!

Ahh...alone time...I'm never alone either!! It's nice when you get that time!

PS 4 days til I get to see ya!

Aimee said...

yeah, don't be was bad! Can't wait to see you, its so soon!!