Monday, June 11, 2012

Response to Westboro Baptist "church"

Have you heard of Westboro Baptist "Church" ?

I hadn't until two weeks ago. But I've learend that they have no business calling themselves baptist or a church. They came to Olympia last week. They went to Olympia High School and our capital to picket with hateful signs and horrendous, hurtful messages. They're a group out of Kansas that has made it to almost every major city in the United States...picketing military funerals and towns...spreading hate. It's awful.

My pastors as well as over 30 other pastors in Thurston county came together to respond to these people. We were not silent, we did not just stand by as these people swept through our city, attempting to destroy the reputation of love we've tried for so long to show our city.

You can read the reponse here.  

I am SO proud to call Living Water my church.

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