It's the night of my 29th birthday. All of the little munchkins are tucked up cozy in their beds. The hustle and bustle of the day is done. The house is quiet and dark and still. And I breathe a big breath of relaxation.
Reflections on turning 29.
First thought: Holy crap I'm almost 30. I thought I was just 21!? Second thought: Getting old is actually fun. I like getting older. Not as dumb. Not as insecure. I like this. Third thought: Maybe I was just 21, but at the same time I have three kids and feel like I more appropriately should be turning 35 today. So there's that.
But really, when I used to picture where I might be at 29 years old, it was basically anywhere but here. You could hear me walking around proclaiming things like "Oh, I'll get married when I'm 30 and have kids there after." There's nothing wrong with getting married at 30 but there was something deeper in that comment. I just didn't know it could be like this. I just didn't know it could be this good.
And when I say this good, I don't mean perfect or not challenging. But I do mean really, really good. And for that I could not be more thankful. God saw fit to give me everything I never knew I always wanted in my incredible husband and precious babies.
And all the glory has to go to God. Because I had different plans for my life. But I can look back now and see that all of the dead ends were actually answered prayers, you guys. And God's open doors in the most unassuming places were like a Good Father placing things in my hands that I couldn't even articulate I wanted, but that He wanted to give me.
So thank you, Jesus, for this life. This beautiful, beautiful life.
Back when we were just dating all the way to today with our 3 kiddos, this has been the bottom line of our relationship and life:
Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
Matthew 6:33
Cannot go wrong with that.
Cheers to the last year of my 20's!
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