Monday, March 17, 2014

Starbucks + Me...again

There's a new adventure going on in life and that would be me + Starbucks...again!

A lot comes to mind when I think about this new season because my mindset has shifted significantly since having regards to a role/vocation of a mom.

I tend to be an all or nothing person. 0% or 100%. I'm either in the deep end of the pool or out of the standing on the steps in the shallow end, if you know what I mean.

In the beginning of my stay-at-home mom career I felt like if I ever did want to work outside our home again that somehow I'd be failing Copelynn or too divided to really be a good mom still. 

I had to trudge my way through the muddy waters of all of those types of lies floating around in my mind and come to the realization that it is okay to work.  

It is okay to not be at home with my baby every day, all day. Not being home with my baby all day, every day doesn't make me a bad mom.  And maybe it just might enhance my time at home. Maybe it just might make me a better mom

So, we made the decision for me to apply. It was 2/3 because I felt very strongly that I needed some time outside of the house and 1/3 a financial decision.

My husband is my biggest cheerleader when it comes to making it work and making all the sacrifices we have to for me to stay home. And I am SO thankful for that. He is also the biggest cheerleader when it comes to me wanting to work.  I ask God constantly how in the world am I so blessed with this man?

The way i got hired, too, was pretty wild. 

I was in a Starbucks trying to give my resume to the barista...while he refused to take it and a manager of a different Starbucks happened to be in that store listening to our conversation. I started to walk out of the store, discouraged and defeated, when that manager overhearing my convo with the barista called me back in and talked to me for a good 5 minutes about interviewing me for his store etc etc. 

Total divine appointment by the Lord. I mean, what are the odds that that manager would happen to be in that other store at that exact time I came in, close enough to hear what I was saying? Pretty cool.

So then there was some waiting and interviewing and finally a call that I was hired.  Woohoo!

I haven't worked there in six years, so wish me luck! 


Brooke said...

Awww Aimee I love this photo!!!! You were the best barista and I KNOW they will be so happy they hired you! And I know it's a tough decision to make but I'm sure it'll work out great for you:)

Aimee said...

Thanks Brooke! It's only going to be part time when either Zach or a friend can watch Copelynn so I feel excited and peaceful about it :)