Monday, January 20, 2014
doTERRA Essential Oils
If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram (aimee_charnock), you would've seen that we started using doTERRA essential oils recently.....and I am SO excited about it. We started out with the Family Physician kit by suggestion of a friend that gave me the low down on the oils. I wanted to start using the oils just to keep from getting sick...but oh man, the possibilities are endless with them! From headaches to heartburn to skin problems to colds to congestion to achey bodies to hangovers to increasing laceration in women to cramps to cholesterol to arthritis to anxiety to bloating to anti fungal to diabetes to balances hormones to diaper rashes...really any ailment you can name, there's an oil for it.
We're just at the tip of the iceberg, but I'm already amazed and totally sold on these things. I use lavender and peppermint every time I have a headache and it is gone in 10 minutes or less. Used the lemon oil in some water when I had a cough and gunk in my throat and it kept the mucus down. Zach uses a blend of oils called Digestzen and his heartburn is gone almost immediately. My most favorite is the blend called OnGuard. I used it when I started to feel a cold coming on...took it a couple times a day and every time the cold symptoms went away within minutes. It boosts the immune system and acts as a protectant to sickness or shortens the duration of a sickness already in your system. I put it on Copelynn almost everyday. It is so awesome to have something to be proactive against the winter sicknesses always floating around kids.
I am not a sales person AT ALL, but you guys, these things are incredible and I think every family should have access to them. You can take a look and learn more here!
I would love to invest in that! But my question is, what do you actually DO with them? Take them like medicine? Drink them in water? Rub them on your skin?
sorry i'm nAive hAHa
You're not naive Katelyn! And yes, the oils are used all three of those ways: aromatically, topically, or ingested. For example, if you have a rash on your skin, you can simply rub Melaleuca on it. Or if you have an upset stomach, you can drop a couple drops of Digestzen on your tongue. Or if you have a stuffy nose, you can simply take a few deep breaths in of the oil blend called Breathe. Lets talk more about it!
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