Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Couples Conference 2012

As I told ya'll on Monday, we spent last weekend in Seaside, OR at our church's Couples Conference. God totally came through to make this happen and we are still in awe of how he provided. Our registration fee was taken care of by some dear people that love us (makes tears come to my eyes still!), Zach got an unexpected bonus at work that covered our hotel and gas, and then to top it off, a sweet girl from our church happened to be working at Subway on Friday night when we stopped and gave us our dinner for free!

We just shook our heads and smiled at eachother and thought in unison and we doubted that God would come through.... He doesn't just come through you guys, he goes above and beyond what we even ask or expect. I should know by now that this is the kind of God I serve.

The speakers were our Youth Pastor's wife's parents from good ole' San Antonio. They are two of the most phenominal people on this planet. They happen to pastor the 17th largest church in the United States and you would never know. They are not fancy or flashy, they are so down-to-earth, what-you-see-is-what-you-get, humble, loving people. It blew me away. What I loved was the practicality of their messages. Simple stuff that makes a healthy, successful marriage. Things you could take away and easily put into practice. Loved it. And they were hilarious and unashamedly talked about sex the whole weekend. Loved it even more.

Each couple recieved a book that Robert and Julie put together on marriage, which I'm soaking up, but here's one of the things they spoke on that we both loved:

Genesis Chapter 31 - Example from Jacob and Rachel on how to come to an agreement when you've got a problem.
1. Identify the Problem
2. Determine what the Bible says about the problem
3. Have a private conversation with your spouse about it
4. Be totally 100% honest with your spouse, don't hold anything back
5. Bring to the conversation examples of the problem
5. Let your spouse respond and listen to their response
6. Come to an agreement
7. Take action on that agreement

Nothing mind blowing, but so good and practical, right?

And tons of other good stuff like:
Talk 30 minutes a day
Speak your spouse's love language
Publically praise and privately correct (this goes for spouses and children)
If you want to change your husband's behavior, compliment him.
Identify good "talk times" for you both
Make your spouse #1 priority. Not your job, not your church, not your children, not your family. Your spouse.
Change yourself, not your spouse.
Pray everyday that you'll love your husband more
Sex = meeting eachother's needs

So glad we got to take part in the conference this year.  We were refreshed and recharged and renewed!


Katie Cook said...

269This was sooo encouraging Aimee! Thank you so much for sharing's always good to think about marriage and how to continue to be intentional with one another. Love the pictures too!! love Katie

Nikole Opiyo said...

Needed to hear about God's provision today. Thanks! So glad He pulled through in all those amazing ways!

Aimee said...

Thanks Katie!

Nikole, I know I need to be consistenly reminded about God's faithfulness and provision too!