Friday, January 27, 2012


I just finished reading Ina May's Guide to Childbirth. I heard about it from someone else and was super interested in leraning more about midewives vs. doctors and phsyiological birth vs. industrial birth. Holy Cow, I learned a lot of frightening things about the maternal care in the US.

The thing this book helped me do was decided how I want to give birth. You will not find me in a hospital--unless I am forced by an emergency situation and my health or the baby's health is on the line.

Why? Because I want to give birth somewhere where they'll turn the lights down if I ask, where I can walk around and be in any position I please and not be forced to be on my back the whole time (pretty much the WORST position possible for labor/birth). I don't want doctors inducing me for no medical reason. I dont want doctors giving me an episiotomy without me knowing. I don't want pitocin for no reason at all. I dont want intervention when it's not needed. I want to be able to get in the bath if I please, or eat, or drink. What if i need something to give me some more energy if labor goes long? In a hospital they'd give me C-section before they gave me some food. I want to be the first to hold my baby. I want that baby on my tummy instead of under a heat lamp. I dont want to be forced to have a fetal monitor. Is all this too much to ask? Too much to ask to be the most comfortable possible when doing the hardest thing ever?
Of all the stories I've herad, these "normal" freedoms are not allowed in a hospital (if you know different, let me know!!). The statitics of uneccessary intervention by doctors is astounding. So, my choice has been easily made. Midwives, here I come!!
Some girls and I got together to watch The Business of Being Born. Ricki Lake actuallly made the film--weird, I know. My thoughts? It was good! Showed a couple different women, a couple with home births, a couple with hospital births. It was cool to see the difference experiences.

Also reading this book. It kind of makes the blood run out of my face!

P.S. Zach and I are FINALLY moved into our new condo! Holla for living in a place where drunk men don't pull fire alarms at 2am and contruction workers don't cut into your walls and mold doesn't grow all over the place and you can't hear people fighting outside while trying to sleep.


Brooke said...

I totally agree and i've had two babies. You should watch the documentary "The Business of being Born" but just so you know I had both my girls in a hospital where I could do whatever I wanted. Get up, take a shower, walk, eat. My second I had a midwife for almost all my appointments and during a lot of my labor. Not all hospitals are bad but you do need to be clear and usually they are very good about doing whatever makes you feel comfortable. :) When are you going to have a baby?! ;) ;)

Aimee said...

wow, thats so good to know you did birth that way Brooke! When we get there in life, I wana talk to you more about what you did/didn't do! We're not on the baby train yet, but some time in the next 1-2 years :)