Monday, May 14, 2012

Weekend Views: Community

Saturday morning we helped some friends move and that looked like this:

Lots of coffee....because we partied it up with some friends on Friday night. Dinner and bowling. Fancy bowling that is! We're talkin leather couches, no grease/feet smell....

Caught some rays by the pool on Saturday.

And witnessed some craziness at GU! PJ Moon preached last night a sermon titled "On the Ledge" annnnddd fulfilled his lifelong dream of crowd surfing.

I laid in bed last night after we got home from GU and thought about the fun weekend we had. I was overwelmed with gratefulness for the community we live in. The kind of gratefulness that bubbles up inside you that you cannot keep down. Our actual community of Olympia is nice, but I'm talking about the people we are so blessed to have in our lives.

The people we laugh with, have heart to heart conversations with, the people we get to walk through life with right now. The people we get to spend our days with at work, at church, on the weekends.  

Community, it lets your roots grow deep.

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