Thursday, February 23, 2012


This has been a tough week. I am thanking God already on this early Thursday morning that tomorrow is Friday and that means Saturday is around the corner. That means sleeping in as long as I want, no alarm clocking going off at 4:25am, no rushing to bed so I can try to get enough sleep.

For some reason I’ve just been going through emotions upon emotions and I don’t know why! Last night I was irritable and upset with things that usually just roll of my back. I just felt restless, ungrateful, wanting something more, unsatisfied. I know deep down only Jesus can fill these holes in me. But I go through other solutions in my mind, first, of course. How about we take a little get away this weekend? Maybe a change of routine and scenery will do me good. Oh, we don’t have the money to. Alright, how about I just spend a long time at the gym and take long hot showers ever day until I don’t feel like this anymore. Laughing out loud. What is going on Aimee?!

So far, I’ve come up with two things to consider about all of this.

Number 1, I forget that I am a woman and that I have hormones inside of me that get a little crazy sometimes. Growing up with boys, I learned to not be emotional, its bad to be emotional! So when I get emotional, I don’t know what to do with myself. I mean, I can’t just stay in a hot shower for 2 days!

Number 2, there is an enemy of my soul who whispers lies 24x7, takes advantage of my weaknesses, and waits around for times like these when I’m most susceptible to his deceit and schemes. 1 Peter 5:8 says “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.”

And that my friends is the cause of a lot of our (my) misery. The devil cannot kill us, he cannot take away our salvation, but he knows our weaknesses and does everything possible to isolate, lie to, and throw fire at us in hopes of taking us out. Why? Because he hates the Lord and hates those of us who have devoted ourselves to the seeing the Kingdom of God advanced on this Earth.

So today, I will decide to declare that God is bigger than my thoughts, my emotions, and that gnarly devil. My God has overcome the world (John 16:33). He has a never ending supply of everything I need.

Thank you Jesus that I can find my refuge in you today.

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