Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Instead of being discontent with my job
I will choose to be greateful that I have one
Instead of being unhappy with the way i look
I will choose to love how God made me
Instead of dreamong of living somewhere else
I will choose to be privledged to be where I'm at
Instead of always wanting more stuff
I will choose to remember those who have nothing
Instead of wishing I could add 1 more pair of pumas to my shoe collection
I will choose to remember the girl in mexico who didn't have any shoes
Instead of being consumed with myself
I will choose to think of others

1 comment:

Little Bug said...

I totally agree with you Aimee..everything happens for a reason. We're going thru a rough patch with Christie's ex Rob right now, with all that he's threatened to do to us, with all the pain and fear he's put us thru, I still continue to pray for him, thanks to Christie, who reminds me, that he is sick. I believe that we go thru hard times in our lives to make us appreciate the good times all the more. Everything does happen for a reason, and if we're in prayer, I believe that we will see the good in what that reason was for. I love you and my little Zach attack!