I've had this blog since 2008 when I moved to Olympia so I could let my fam and friends have a sneak peek at my life up here. Then i slowly started to neglect my poor blog and stopped posting. But I've recently been blog-inspired (mostly by www.topbabyblogs.com) to start it up again. It is going to be a few years before I am blogging about our babies, but for now I shall blog about being young and married, my attempts at being a good cook, loving and serving Jesus with our Church (Living Water) and whatever else I feel like! So, hope you enjoy :) I've added stories our how we met and our wedding (check em out!)
This week I've decided to go down memory lane and share some blog worthy times from the past year.
Memory lane post #1 = Bachelorette Weekend
I spent the week before the wedding at home in Sac and my bridesmaids and I spent the 2 nights before the wedding in a hotel together, it was so fun! Loved every minute of it (thanks Uncle Richard!). My cousins Tina and Chelsey and friends Chelsea and Alex threw the bachleorette party.
Tina Me and Chelsey
The festivities back at the hotel:
A week I shall never forget :)
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