The 14th bi-annual Repossess was last Sunday night at Capital High School. It was a POWERFUL night! I wish everyone couldve been there to experience it. It started at 630, but students started piling up at the doors around 5pm. The excitement and anxiousness always pumps me up!
Olivia, Z, and I manned the merch table, selling tshirts, dvds, etc. We got to use these sweet gadgets to take cards for payment--Repossess gone hi-tech! Call me nerdy but I was pretty fascinated.

Students rushed in the doors, grabbing glow sticks as they passed.
THEN the music started and the rest is history. Pastor Tim Wimberly delievered an incredible message and shared his testimony. The Lord's presence was moving, crowds of students ran down to the altar to get saved / rededicate their life to the Lord. It was awesome!
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