I found myself barking orders at my kids because the littlest one woke up 3 times the night before and I was t.i.r.e.d + my alone time with Jesus was interrupted and we had to get our the door...
Once we actually got on the road (all still alive) I felt the Lord whisper to me about his grace. And then his love. That he loves my efforts to get up and meet with him, even when it doesn't happen because of early risers in the house. He loves that I come to him even when I've yelled at my kids. He loves when my heart needs filled up. Because he get to remind me that his mercies are new every morning. And that his love is big enough to reach even the farthest heart and his grace is always renewing me with the gentle, tender "You must've forgotten how loved you are, Aimee"
Then I smiled. Because when someone knows they're loved, they act different! They talk different, they live different, they ARE different.
I hope wherever you're at on the spectrum that you are reminded that YOU ARE LOVED. No conditions. No prerequisites. No hoops to jump through. Just wholly and fully loved.
Take hold of that and then go give it away to the people in your life who can use that reminder, too.
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