Happy New Year! I've taken a little unintentional, unplanned hiatus from blogging since Copelynn was born, but the Lord has really re-iginited the passion in me to come back to this space on a consistent basis...so here I am :)
I guess I do have EIGHT months of updating to do now...but here's the basics:
-Copelynn started full on crawling about 3 weeks ago. And is now standing on everything. Time to baby proof the house for sure! She still hasn't attempted to go up the stairs, thank you Copelynn.
-She got her first tooth (left bottom) on December 26th while we were in Ohio. So nice of her to be teething while on vacation ;)
-We spent Christmas in Ohio with Zach's family and had a ball. The trip home was unfortunately filled with a puking/diarrhea-y baby. Then I got the bug, then Zach got the bug. BUT our house is all better now.
-annnnddd ever since we got back from Ohio Copelynn's sleeping habits have hit an all time low.
That has made me one tired, worn out mama recently. Being so tired and worn out, I came down from putting Copelynn down for a nap and just started to cry. Sleep deprivation at it's finest. But in the pit of sleepy despair the Lord really spoke to me this morning.
My circumstances are still the same, my baby will still probably sleep the same, BUT my heart feels fuller. My mind feels renewed. My attitude and perspective feel fresh. Thats what His presence does.
I am a words of affirmation love language person. Being a stay-at-home mom doesn't usually fill up my tank in that area because there is no one here giving out atta-boys for a job well done or a project completed. There are no monthly all-star awards or yearly plaques to acknowledge hard work. Lots of times that leaves me looking for the affirmation and encouragement I need from Zach or friends or parents. And while they ARE encouraging and affirming to me---they cannot read my mind and heart, they do not know exactly the words my ears NEED to hear some days.
This is where I was reminded this morning that Jesus is the one I need to run to for the affirmations, encouragement, love I need to hear. My heart melts because He knows EXACTLY what I need to hear. He whispers the things I long to be told.
"You're doing a GOOD job Aimee"
"You can do it Aimee"
"Keep going Aimee"
"I am with you Aimee"
And with those kinds of things swirling around in my head I think we will make it through another day.
You are auch a great mom Aim! I love knowing you!
You are doing a great job! All you have to do is spend time around you and Copelynn to know that you are doing an amazing job with her. Not only just as a mom but as a wife too. Keep it up Aimee!!
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