Friday, August 17, 2012

Crazy Stats

If you've read this blog for any amount of time, or know me in real life, you know about my love/hate relationship with Western Washington.
eh hem, the weather in Western Washington that is.
people, love them
my friends here, love them
the beauty, love it
my job, love it
my church, LOVE it
our home, love it
the weather....thats another story :)

I found these stats today:

 OlympiaSacramentoThat means….
# of cloudy days a year228100228% more cloudy days a year
Inches of rain a year50.6 in17.5 in289% more rain a year
% of possible days with sunshine14%78%64% less sunshine a year
days with rain16358105% more days with rain a year
annual snowfall16.7 in0 in16 times more snow a year!!

The # of pity parties I have for myself is keeping in a downward spiral the longer I live here. But, isn't that crazy!?

I will be buying this come Sept/Oct. That thing and I will be best friends.

Verilux HappyLite Deluxe Sunshine Simulator

Verilux HappyLite Sunshine Simulator

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