Wednesday, August 15, 2012

8 things

Do you want to know the funniest thing? Tracy is a real life friend of mine and I was oblivious to the fact that she blogged...until today. She left a comment on one of my posts and I was notified Tracy Evelyn left you a comment. I thought "hm, who is tracy evelyn?" I ventured on over to her blog to then exclaimed " WHA!? MY FRIEND TRACY!"

I had a good laugh.

Anyways, I had fun reading 8 facts about Tracy and thought I'd do it too! So, 8 facts about yours truly.

1. I am obssessed with reality TV. Current favorites are: 19 Kids and Counting, Bristol Palin: Life's a Tripp, & Cake Boss.

2. I have 4 older brothers; two of which are step bros.
3. Middle name is Victoria.
4. Grew up in Sacramento, CA. North Highlands/Antelope/Roseville to be exact.
5. I only read nonfiction books.
6. I'm an adrenaline junky. Therefore, I went skydiving for my 19th birthday.
7. I don't like asian food. Sorry husband.
8. Dirty Kitchens are one of my pet peeves.

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