Thursday, May 31, 2012

Goodbye Squish!

In 36 days and about 12 hours I will be boarding a plane to Miami, FL!!

SO excited!

Although, huge problem: there is no motivation to get into shape up here in Olympia where summer clothes aren't needed until like August! 

So last night I was at the gym, sweating and working it out, trying to come up with a plan to replace some of my squish with muscle.

After going through a list of things I kind of gave up:

1. I could make it my goal to get to the gym 3-4 times a week. This is my goal right now, but I um...I never meet it.
2. I could give up deserts. But, that is like not breathing for me and that'd require me to give away/hide all of the cookies, ice cream, and peanut mnm's that we just stocked up on. what a waste ;)

Then, I came into work today and was saved! Some ladies at my work rolled out the "Gotta Have Heart" Health Competition 2012. Its a 30 day challenge in our department to benefit the American Heart Association. From June 1-30 you agree to 30 minutes of physical activity each day. 

Um hello perfect timing, sign me up! 

A cash prize and some friendly competition is way motivating.

I'm getting my moneys worth of my gym membership this month! I'll keep you posted on how this goes!

1 comment:

Katelyn said...

Love it! I'm finding myself in much need of similar motivation! ALthough I personally live in California near the beach, so that should be enough! But I'm right there with you on saying goodbye to my squish! Good luck girl!