Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Lack of Rocking Chairs and Mason Jars

I love me some new music, but I am so impatient and have such a short attention span and am not interested in technology at all, therefore I rarely take the time to download new stuff. I just stay contented with the radio. But, I have a husband who loves surfing iTunes, hunting for anything intersting and new. I see those $.99 or $1.18 charges all the time on our bank account and laugh and roll my eyes "iTunes." So, Zach has made it his duty to get me new music since we got married. He downloaded the new Lauren Alaina album the other day and I LOVE it!
I'm a total fan. She is just a good ole country innocent girl who can belt it out like no other. If she's not a good ole country innocent girl, don't tell me, I'll just keep my untainted perception of her :) Her songs just make me wish I was sitting in a rocking chair on a porch in the South as the sun goes down, looking over an open feild while sipping on some sweet tea in a mason jar. not a glass. :)
Sadly, we don't have a porch, or rocking chairs outside (or inside for that matter haha), nor do we have mason jars to drink out of!
I've always concluded that the West Coast is the best place to live. But, I can't ignore the fact that I am jealous that I don't have a front porch to sit on, am empty field to look out on, and a mason jar to drink out of! I didn't think I'd ever say this, but yes, I found something missing on the West Coast. So disappointing. I am jealous I'm missing out on that unique nostalgia of the South.
Sabrina (my sister-in-law) I'm coming to visit you in Georgia!!

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