Saturday, October 24, 2015

1+1 does not = 2 in Motherhood

Motherhood. Impossible to "figure out." There is no formula. It is not systematic. It is not logical.

That is MADNESS! 

What I'm actually referring to is the chaos of nap time with Copelynn lately. It leaves me downstairs banging my head on the kitchen table while she screams away in her room...

Naturally my first thoughts are:

Am I not doing enough with her? 
Am I doing too much with her? 
Where am I failing to cause this crazy behavior!?

That is my first go-to when things go astray with her.  I/WE must be missing the mark somewhere.  Not enough attention. Or not enough enforcing of boundaries and discipline.  

While it is good to examine ourselves and see if the littles are off because we're I felt God say relax. 

They're two. Or three or thirteen. Crazy is what they're made for sometimes.  Crazy is what they do sometimes. Even when we're doing all the right things. 

That's hard for me to accept and believe because that isn't a 1+1=2. 

But that's motherhood. Pointing us back to the One who does have it all figured out.

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