What are you called to accomplish?
What obstacles have you faced trying to get there?
Are you discouraged in your journey?
Acts 5:38-39
"...For if their purposes or activity is of human origin it will fail. But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God."
These words cam from a Pharisee named Gamaliel addressing the Sanhedrin...talking about Peter and the apostles. Peter and the apostles had just been put in jail for teaching about Jesus in Jerusalem and were now standing before the Sanhedrin, on trial kind of, and Gamaliel was making a case for them.
I was so encouraged by this little snippet from the Bible. Because this world is tough on our dreams sometimes....but this reminded me that no one can stop what God is doing, even when he is doing something through imperfect humans like us. When He wants to accomplish something, nothing will get in His way. It will be accomplished in the end. Just like it was in Acts with the apostles. They were purposed to preach Jesus. They got put in jail for it. The end? Nope. God came through and they were supernaturally let out by an angel. So they kept preaching. Then they were flogged for preaching Jesus. They stopped? Nope. They got back up again and kept preaching Jesus.
1. God will supernaturally make a way when it seems like there is no way, or when it seems like our plans and efforts have been halted....just like he made a way when the apostles were put in jail.
2. We can get beat up by life sometimes, even especially when we're doing what were supposed to be doing for the Lord! But we have to remember our calling and why were doing what were doing. And keep going. Just like the apostles did after getting flogged. They were preaching Jesus like they were supposed to and got physically beaten for it. But they didn't drown in self pity or stay in their houses for years asking "why God?"...who knows if they even took any time for their bodies to heal....The Word says they left the flogging rejoicing and never stopped teaching (Acts 5:41-42). That is true commitment right there. Those were some men that truly believed God at His word!
So folks...
So folks...
Keep Dreaming
Keep Going
If it is from God, nothing will be able to stop you
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