Thursday, April 18, 2013

37 weeks

The end is near! I find myself daily looking down at my belly, savoring it and remembering what it looks like and feels like and wondering if I will miss it when it is gone.  I mean, it's been around now for 37 weeks now....Thats a long period of time!

I don't know if I'll necessarily miss it as in I always want a 30+ lb belly on the front of me but I could picture myself missing the sweetness of Copelynn's kicks and turns and having that kind of intimate bond with her that no one else in the world knows or has. I get to carry her, what a blessing and privilege! But, she'll be in our arms soon enough, which I'm sure is even more rewarding than having her in my body.

I've been pondering for a couple of minutes now on how to write this update without sounding totally drab and negative and terrible. I'm not sure how to do that--so here is the honest truth update of being 37 weeks pregnant :)

 disclaimer: being pregnant is such a blessing, BUT there is some real craziness that comes along with it, especially towards the end!

-Most days I just want to hibernate.  I'm naturally a people person and have an outgoing social butterfly personality. Love people, love go-go-going, love interaction, etc...but the more pregnant I get, the more I find myself not wanting to small talk or socialize or be with or go anywhere with anyone besides a few select people (ie: Zach, my close girlfriends, my parents).  I'd like to just hibernate like a bear :) Coworkers, starbucks baristas, people in stores, cashier checking me out...I'm sorry in advance, I'm usually a more friendly person.

-My feet hurt. 24/7 everyday. Unless I am in bed, you will find me with my house shoes on with those comfy inserts in them, or my reef flip flops when I start sweating because I'm so hot all the of the sudden. I even shower with my flip flops on. or else I end up sitting down in the tub to shower and that is weird.

-its like mother nature is preparing me for having a newborn baby in the sleep department. I'm rarely not tired or not exhausted these days, yet I cannot sleep for more than like 7 hours. literally. What in the world?

On a happier note, we got a whole lot done this past weekend for Miss Copelynn! Thanks to a few wonderful friends, we got Copelynn's room all painted. Which then meant we could move in all the furniture. We already have the crib my brother made, and we bought a glider (my new favorite seat in the house!) and dressser for her room. Also got my dream diaper bag for a good deal on Craigst list! Woohoo! Unpacked all the clothes and diapers and toys and more clothes and blakets, etc. 

This week we got our Fuzzibunz diapers and I got my Earth Mama Angel Baby Breastfeeding kit, too. Woohoo!

Can't wait to see our little princess' bum in those diapers! 

We've even got the carseat in the car you guys. oh boy!
I've had a blast with all these preparations--the anticipation and excitement is really fun! If only work could feel that way for the next two weeks?

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