Friday, March 8, 2013

A Voice to Pray

Our voices are powerful.
And God wants us to use.
To pray.
The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.
James 5:16
The voice of the Lord is over the waters; the God of glory thunders, the Lord is over many waters
The voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is full of majesty.
The voice of the Lord breaks the cedars...
The voice of the Lord flashes forth flames of fire
The voice of the Lord shakes the winderness...
The voice of the Lord makes the deer give birth and strips the forest bare and in his temple all cry Glory!
Psalm 29
The Lord did mighty things with his voice. And just as the Lord spoke things into motion with his voice, so can we. So should we. He is the authority and power behind our voices. He gave us voices so we could use them. To speak things into motion, to command, to give life, to futher his Kingdom on Earth, to see his Kingdom come in our lives and hearts and our families and our work places and our homes.  
But that takes action. That takes speaking things outloud.

God's been speaking to me about my voice to pray.  Some lovely ladies and I are reading the The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian. It has been inspiring and challenging and encouraging and eye-opening.  And it has reminded me of the spiritual world that is unseen but oh so real--where only prayer backed by the name of Jesus gets things done.
I've been inspired and reminded to call out His truth over my life, Zach's life, Copelynn's life, my family's lives. I've been reminded that this is my duty and my privilege.Over every situation, over every concern, over our future. Praying outloud is where it's at. 
So, how are we doing with using our voice to speak in power and authority and truth?

He's given us the authority. He has given us the passion. He has given us the ability to ______ (fill in your blank, mine is focus).  He has give us the discipline and grace.  He has given us the supernatural, heaven sent power to pray. To know what to pray. To speak his truth. And see miracles happen.
Want to see your marriage change? Pray
Want to see your body or someone else's body healed? Pray
Want to see anxiety and stress melt away? Pray
Want to see your husband suceed and thrive? Pray
Want to see relationships restored? Pray
Want clarity? Pray
Want Peace? Pray
Want justice and righteousness? Pray
Want a raise? Pray
Want a new job? Pray
Want to love someone better? Pray
So Lord, help us attack things in prayer like some crazy warriors.  Help us to look to you for all our needs and know that you are the great provider.  Help us to cast our cares upon you because you care for us. Help us to remember that your burden is easy and your yoke is light. May we remember the power of our voices; and use them.

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