Thursday, November 8, 2012

14 weeks and 4 days!

Today Baby Charnock has been alive and growing for 14 weeks and 4 days! 

New developments in the pregnancy right now are:

All-day-long-seemingly-incurable headaches.  Not the kind where you can't function...they're pretty dull but strong enough to make sure you know they're there. 

Leg cramps. I had this HORRIBLE cramp in my left calf when i woke up today. It was so bad i wanted to scream. I couldn’t stand on that leg or flex or point my foot. It lasted about 60 seconds I think. Glad when that was over.  Some different websites told me that they can be caused by dehydration, lack of potassium calcium, or magnesium.  Preventions: Stretch, drink LOTS of water, get enough nutrients. Seeing that on the way to work I puked up all my food from today and yesterday and haven't drank too much water, makes sense.  

Emotional. Really emotional. Like cry at the drop of a hat emotional.  This part has been hard to be okay with because I am not normally a cry at the drop of a hat person, and somedays I feel like I'm on a roller coaster of emotions! Someone I was telling this to laughed and said "Aimee your pregnant, your body is going through MAJOR changes, give your self some grace!" Being irritable and emotional at times is just another part of this journey called carrying a kid in your belly for 10 months.

Unfortunately as I said at the top, the morning sickness hasn’t made it’s complete exit yet. Thankfully our baby is healthy and doing fine in there, though! Hoping it goes away as I get farther into the 2nd trimester so I can bring on the meat again! 

Happy Thursday ya'll! 


Little Bug said...

Aimee, you look adorable! I remember from LOOONG ago those leg cramps and the emotional roller coaster ride that comes with being pregnant. I couldn't even make it thru a tv commercial without falling apart! Im so happy for you and Zach! We've got lots of babies coming our way!

Mary said...

Aim! You are adorable! You're doing all the right things, too. So proud of you. God is with you and so is Zach! I'm sure He works through Zach for you :-) . Love you!

Aimee said...

Thanks Aunt Shelly!

Thanks Mama!