Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Hi, I am Martha

In the story of Martha and Mary (Luke 10), I am Martha. Like we're at an AA meeting, Hi my name is Aimee and I am a Martha.

But I don't want to be a Martha. I don't want to make tasks more important than relationships.  That is not who I want to be. That's not the wife I want to be, not the mom I want to be, not the daughter of the King I want to be, not the friend I want to be, not the sister or cousin I want to be.

Last weekend a friend gave me a sweet word that touched home.  I adore those kinda moments. She said something like "I don't know exaclty what you're going through, but the word I got for you is You will reap what you've sown."

And I felt God whisper to me stop striving and worrying and concerning & get ready to recieve.

When the God of the universe tells you something like that, you better sit your butt down!

So, I am. I am purposing to get my heart is in a place everyday to receive what He has for me.  AKA being in his word so I can walk in his peace instead of my worry. I am purposing to not have a perfect house or perfect anything. I am purposing to recieve all of what God has for me. I want it all. overflowing. abundance. more than I can even take. I don't want my busy-ness to ever get in the way of what He's got for me.

I'm leaving the dishes in the sink sometimes.
I left the laundry unfolded on the floor because spending time with my hubby was more important.
I'm abiding in his grace and rest instead of in the cares of this world.
I am getting ready to receive his blessings, cause he's a good God.

And isn't it good when God intersects our hearts and changes our path? Yes it is....

1 comment:

Stephanie Dumm said...

It's good that you're realizing it's okay to not have a perfect house (i.e. leaving dishes in the sink and laundry unfolded) because once the baby arrives you will have to! I am far from a clean freak, but the ability able to load/unload the dishwasher, clear the kitchen counter and fold laundry when you please is something I miss!! But it's something you come to accept when you've got a baby to feed, diaper or simply cuddle with on the couch : ) It's funny because the dishes and the laundry aren't going anywhere but babies change so fast.