Thursday, July 19, 2012

Throwback Thursday

Happy Thursday everyone! Its ALMOST Friday! The week back to work after a vacation is rough! Probably because I didn't do one stressfull thing for about 9 days, getting up early, having to actually put on makeup and do my hair and look presentable and sit inside all day and not at the beach has fun! Rough life right? hah.

Anyhow.....I love Throwback Thursday because I love reminiscing through old pictures and laughing and replaying those times.  I'm not super sentimental and I don't keep much if I haven't used it in awhile, but pictures...ohhhh I keep pictures. I should have taken a picture of my shelves of photo albums. Do you ever think of what you'd grab out of your house if there was a fire? I've played that senario through my head before and it'd be me yelling to Zach HELP ME GET THE PHOTO ALBUMS!!! Oh, and our children!

So, here's one of my cousin and I in ummm 2002 & One of me & my friend Chelsea in maybe 2003 or 2004. he he he

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