Monday, July 16, 2012

Miami Trip

Our trip to Miami was a blast! I met Julie and Karianne there and spent 6 days in the humid paradise of South Beach.  Just about every morning we woke up, drank Starbucks Via (surprisingly good!), and went to the beach. It was fantastic. Julie + Karianne are Norwegians, so they share the same level of desperation for some sun as I do. And let me tell you, we got some serious SUN! Felt amazing!! 

I learned from these 2 nice retirees on my plane ride home that Miami has 2 seasons; wet & dry.The dry is from Nov - April ish and the wet is April - Nov ish. So, somedays we were greeted by crazy lightening and thunder & other days rain & other days sun. It kept us on our toes.

On Monday we took a tour to Key West. It was a long bus ride (3.5 hours each way), but pretty cool to see all the keys.  There are 37 in all (I think!?) and the last one that we spent the day at (Keywest) is 90 miles for Cuba & the farthest point south in the US (I think!?).

The rainy drive to the Keys 

 Super cute neighborhoods

Overcast....beach still tannin'!

 Super yummy mexican food 

Ever wonder where Key Lime Pie came from? Key West!

This was our walk to the beach every morning.
 Coffee Bar @ Nespresso Boutique
 Beautiful Nespresso Machines

Espresso + Vanilla Ice Cream = Heaven!

All in All it was a fantastic vacation with some good friends, beautiful beaches, and great, hot weather. I am totally missing the relxation, sleeping in, & sunshine! I've learned that taking vacas to sunny spots is a MUST when you live in Western Washington. But, if there's one thing better than all of this, it is coming home to my baby after being away. Here's what was bursting out of my heart on the plane ride home...

I used to like airplanes, airports, looking out at a new city, laying my head down on pillows of different hotels in different places all the time. I used to love vacationing in beautiful places with new sites to see, but all that has changed because half of me is always with you. And now adays my flight home is even more exciting than my flight away. And my favorite view will always be your face on our bed in our home in our city. There is nothing I love more than that.
Love, Aim.



Little Bug said...

I love it! You are such a beautiful young lady Aimee! Zach did good!!! Sounds like you had lots of fun on vacation. We've been to key west a few times and I love it, it's one of those places where you can be who you are (even a weirdo like me) and not care or worry about it! Glad your home safe and sound in the arms of my little Zach attack!

Aimee said...

Thanks Aunt Shelley! Yes, we had a ton of fun!

Mary said...

Beautiful and fun pictures and memories! Vanilla espresso...mmmmmmm. Sunshine, great friends, good food, and humidity :-) and back with Zach!

Katie Cook said...

soooo amazing! i've never been to Florida, but after seeing your pictures I really want to go!!! Love Katie